# Live API url
# Test API url
The PlacePay integration API is based on a RESTful API design with some nuances. You can explore the API implementation specifics in the general section.
Use one of our premade libraries for Python, Ruby, PHP, Node, or .NET (Beta).
There is a safe and full-featured test application available at All test api keys will be start with "test_private_key" or "test_public_key".
Use the test api to build and test your integration without initiating any live payments or email notices. The pre-built libraries for Python, Ruby, PHP, Node, or .NET (Beta) will automatically adjust to the test API when using a test API key.
The HTTP verbs used are GET
to select objects, POST
to create objects, PUT
to update objects, and DELETE
to delete objects. Objects can be manipulated in single
, bulk
, or query
# Using curl, you can pass the API key with each request
# Make sure to append your API key with `:` when using `curl`.
curl "" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd:
PlacePay uses API keys for accessing the API. Your API keys can be found on your settings page under API Keys.
PlacePay expects for the API key to be included in all API requests to the server using HTTP Basic Auth.
Select method uses the HTTP verb GET
to retrieve objects and works in two modes: single
and query
# Single mode
curl "" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd:
Single mode
No request body
# Query mode
curl "" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd:
Query mode (See the query language)
No request body
Create method uses the HTTP verb POST
to create objects and works in two modes: single
and bulk
# Single mode
curl "" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd: \
-d email="" \
-d full_name="Joe Chip" \
-d user_type="payer"
Single mode
Request body:
{ ... }
single json object
# Bulk mode
curl "" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd: \
-d [0]email="" \
-d [0]full_name="Joe Chip" \
-d [0]user_type="payer" \
-d [1]email="" \
-d [1]full_name="Glen Runciter" \
-d [1]user_type="payer"
Bulk mode
Request body:
[ { ... }, { ... }, { ... } ]
Array with multiple objects
Update method uses the HTTP verb PUT
to update objects and works in three modes: single
, query
, and bulk
# Single mode
curl "" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd: \
-X PUT \
-d email=""
Single mode
{ ... }
single json object
# Query mode
curl "" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd: \
-X PUT \
-d email=""
Query mode (See the query language)
{ ... }
single json object with fields to update
# Bulk mode
curl "" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd: \
-X PUT \
-d [0][id]="rqlPhhU3aJ8DWBF5zPJI8HrU" \
-d [0][email]="" \
-d [1][id]="kswxX5hFW57SN7icmdcaszd4" \
-d [1][email]=""
Bulk mode
[ { id: {id1}, ... }, { id: {id2}, ... } ]
Array with multiple objects
Delete method uses the HTTP verb DELETE
to delete objects and works in three modes: single
, query
, and bulk
# Single mode
curl "" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd: \
Single mode
No request body
# Query mode
curl "" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd: \
Query mode (See the query language)
No request body
# Bulk mode
curl "" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd: \
-d [0][id]="rqlPhhU3aJ8DWBF5zPJI8HrU" \
-d [1][id]="kswxX5hFW57SN7icmdcaszd4"
Bulk mode
[ { id: {id1}, ... }, { id: {id2}, ... } ]
Array with multiple objects
Embedded objects
Resource objects can have other related resource objects embedded within their object hierarchy. This means that a top- or higher-level resource will return the main resource object along with the underlying embedded object hierarchy.
# Single mode
curl "" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd:
"id": "16mgrY95eKG6oZ1hDx3kmBOkB",
"object": "invoice",
"accepted_payment_state": "full",
"amount": 1000,
"description": "September Rent",
"due_date": "2015-09-01",
"type": "rent",
"items": [{
"id": "rqlPhhU3aJ8DWBF5zPJI8HrU",
"object": "invoice_item",
"amount": 100,
"amount_allocated": 100,
"date_incurred": "2017-12-10 20:41:40",
"description": "Wolf Chow",
"invoice_id": "16mgrY95eKG6oZ1hDx3kmBOkB",
"prorated": true,
"recurring": false,
"type": "pet_food",
"allocations": [{
"id": 285,
"object": "invoice_item_allocation",
"amount": 100,
"item_id": "rqlPhhU3aJ8DWBF5zPJI8HrU",
"payer_id": "1GNFiZvNHINWhoVEWAMqjw0uo",
"type": "auto"
"payers": [{
"id": "1GNFiZvNHINWhoVEWAMqjw0uo",
"object": "invoice_payer",
"access": true,
"account_id": "LVWc2lnL0R6MmGgzVmIzzKmo",
"active": true,
"amount_allocated": 1000,
"amount_paid": 1000,
"email": "",
"first_name": "Joe",
"invoice_id": "16mgrY95eKG6oZ1hDx3kmBOkB",
"last_name": "Chip",
"last_payment_date": "2015-08-28",
"paid": true,
"payments": [{
"id": "258V5IKHHoYxr0qyeesqkgPgY",
"object": "transaction",
"account_id": "LVWc2lnL0R6MmGgzVmIzzKmo",
"amount": 100.83,
"deposit_account_id": "W3flrWSs1kzSCYytR3XIwjb3",
"description": "string",
"failed_timestamp": "2017-12-10 20:41:40",
"fee": 1.95,
"initiated_timestamp": "2017-12-10 20:41:40",
"payment_method": {},
"payment_method_id": "19QsDurdSxJ0gVNzOcQSlew3D",
"settled": true,
"status": "complete",
"status_details": "string",
"type": "charge"
"payments_transfer_date": "2015-09-04",
"payments_transfered": true
"fee_settings": {}
For example, the /invoices
endpoint has a list of associated /invoice_items
embedded within its hierarchy. As you can see from the example,
the associated item object is returned in the embedded items object list
of the invoice.
Embedded objects can also be accessed directly using the
embedded object resource URL. For example,
If you create or update an object containing embedded objects, then the embedded objects will be created, updated, or deleted, respectively.
- If you are creating a parent object, then any embedded objects will be created and associated to the parent.
- If you are updating a parent and pass embedded objects in the update, those embedded objects with ids will be updated, any new objects without ids will be created and associated, and any missing objects will be deleted.
- If you don't want any modifications to be performed on a certain embedded object when updating a parent object, exclude the embedded objects field from the update.
Query language
# Example of using the `greater-than` operator
curl ">2017-11-01" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd:
# Example of combining the `greater-than`, `less-than`, and `and` operator
curl ">2017-11-01&initiated_timestamp=<2017-11-15" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd:
# Example of using the `greater-than` operator
curl "|canceled" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd:
Operator | Example |
= |
?field =value |
< |
?field =<value |
<= |
?field =<=value |
> |
?field =>value |
>= |
?field =>=value |
! |
?field =!value |
or |
?field =<value1|>value2 |
& |
?field =>=value &field =<=value |
match |
?field =?val* |
Subobject query
Special fields
# Example of using the special range fields
curl "" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd:
Name | Example |
fields |
?fields[0] =* &fields[1] =hidden_field |
limit |
?limit =10 |
offset |
?offset =10 |
order_by |
?order_by =initiated_timestamp |
group_by |
?group_by =status |
Fields Preference
You can modify what fields are returned by setting the fields
Also, not all fields are returned by default. You can specify hidden
fields using the fields
parameter as well. If you're using one
of the libraries, you can set your fields preference
globally using the default_param
class method.
Custom Fields
curl "" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd: \
-d "custom_fields[custom]=data"
"id": "HWIjDMdcZHl2Dj1i6lNXW4r5",
"object": "transaction",
"account_id": "r3jyJXI3bpLs9m9YZV6OiFib",
"amount": 177.4,
"deposit_account_id": "129BOlWKt2Ta52bU99hKZkH3C",
"description": "string",
"failed_timestamp": null,
"fee": 1.95,
"initiated_timestamp": "2018-05-10 12:32:18",
"payment_method_id": "10f10tnMIIzFZkj7RDQvcCmVg",
"status": "complete",
"status_details": "string",
"type": "charge",
"custom_fields": {
"custom": "data"
Custom fields can be added to any object for reference. Fields can be added
or updated independently. To delete a custom field just update its value to null
Single object response
"object": "error",
"error_type": "InvalidArguments",
"error_description": "secret_key",
"details": {
"secret_key": "Must be at least 7 characters and contain at least one number and one letter."
Bulk object response
"object": "error",
"error_type": "InvalidArguments",
"error_description": "[0][accepted_terms], [0][email], [0][secret_key], [1][email], [1][accepted_terms], [1][secret_key]",
"details": {
"object": "list",
"values": [
"secret_key": "Must be at least 7 characters and contain at least one number and one letter.",
"accepted_terms": "Must be a valid bool",
"email": "Must be a valid email"
"secret_key": "Must be at least 7 characters and contain at least one number and one letter.",
"email": "Must be a valid email",
"accepted_terms": "Must be a valid bool"
Errors are relayed via the HTTP Status Code, with additional information included in the response body.
The PlacePay API uses the following error codes:
Code | Meaning |
400 | Bad Request -- This error is relayed when the request cannot be completed due to a general error, or invalid or missing parameters. In the case of invalid parameters, then the response body’s error type will be InvalidArguments, and the response object will contain a list of invalid parameters along with a short description. |
401 | Unauthorized -- This error is relayed when the request is not authorized to perform the desired action. This is usually due to an expired or invalid access_token (i.e., API key). |
403 | Forbidden -- This error is relayed when the request has a valid access_token, but that access_token does not have the necessary privileges to perform the desired action. |
404 | Not Found -- The specified object or resource could not be found. This is caused by requesting an object by id that either no longer exists, or is not in the scope of the API key's access view. |
405 | Method Not Allowed -- This error is relayed when the requested resource exists, but the requested method (e.g., POST) is not allowed to be performed on that resource. |
429 | Too Many Requests -- This error is relayed when too many requests have been made too frequently, generally due to overuse of a specific resource. |
500 | Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later. |
503 | Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later. |
Aggregate functions
curl "" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd: \
-d "initiated_timestamp=>2018-05-01" \
-d "fields=sum(amount),status" \
-d "group_by=status"
"status": "complete",
"sum(amount)": 40000
"status": "declined",
"sum(amount)": 5000
The following aggregate functions are supported:
| count
| avg
| min
| max
To utilize aggregate functions, you can specify the function and desired field(s) via the fields
Aggregate functions can be combined with the group_by
special parameter as well.
The default timezone for any date objects can be customized for any user. By default, date objects are perceived as US/Eastern but this can be adjusted to any timezone or set to UTC.
Pay Plugin
<form action="/path/to/your/post/method" method="POST">
data-description="First Month's Rent">
If you want your customers to be able to pay from within your own portal or platform, you can use the fully responsive Pay plugin. This will embed a Pay button into your form that will open a payment confirmation modal to allow your customer to enter/reuse their payment method(s), confirm, and pay.
Once a payment is confirmed, the Pay plugin will add
a hidden rs_transaction_id
form element
and automatically submit the form.
On the server side, you can validate the rs_transaction_id
the transactions api.
rs_transaction_id = '19QsDurdSxJ0gVNzOcQSlew3D'
curl "$rs_transaction_id" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd: \
-X PUT \
-d status=complete
For a more seamless experience, you can create persistent payer accounts, which will allow customers to access their stored payment methods across all devices.
<form action="/path/to/your/post/method" method="POST">
data-description="Example Payment">
Open Pay Plugin via Pay Now Button
Below is an example of the pay plugin. You can click the Pay Now button to see an example of the modal.
Open Pay Plugin via JavaScript
<script src=""></script>
key: "public_key_AWcpDnNBB7oLfNqfQ6g66262",
access_token: "${access_token}",
amount: 1000.0,
description: "Example Payment",
on: {
autopay_changed: function (data) {
// handle callback
You can also launch the plugin from javascript instead of using the
embedded html button by calling
, as seen in the example.
To replicate the automatic form submission functionality of the Pay Now button,
you can pass the desired html form element in the open call using the bind_to_form
Embed the Pay Plugin Directly on Page
<script src=""></script>
key: "public_key_AWcpDnNBB7oLfNqfQ6g66262",
access_token: "${access_token}",
amount: 1000.0,
description: "Example Payment",
embed: true,
embed_container: $('#payment-form').get(0),
on: {
autopay_changed: function (data) {
// handle callback
The standard plugin is launched as a modal but you can embed the pay plugin
directly on the page by setting the embed
attribute to true
If you're using the javascript interface, you can pass an embed_container
attribute to specify what html element on the page will contain
the plugin.
If the embed_container
is or resides within a form, upon completion of a payment,
the form will be automatically submitted. You can pass a desired html form element
in the open call using the bind_to_form
parameter as well.
Persistent Accounts
Persistent accounts allow customers to access their stored payment methods across all devices for a more seamless experience.
# Create a payer account
curl "" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd: \
-d email="" \
-d full_name="Joe Chip" \
-d user_type="payer"
Create an account
First, you need to create a payer account with the customer's email and name.
Once an account has been created, you'll need to store the
of the resulting PlacePay account.
Creating a session access token for the Pay plugin
# Create an access token
account_id = '20pt57fgkN2V5G8GYsch7vrHR'
curl "$account_id/access_tokens" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd: \
-d type=session_access
To load the Pay plugin with a customer's persistent account, you need to create a unique access-token for your customer. For access to the plugin, the new access-token must be a "session_access" type token, and it must be created with the account id of the customer. You'll need to create a new access-token every time a new Pay button is loaded.
Launching the Pay plugin
<!-- Then when you render the plugin, pass the access token. Note: the access_token only works once -->
<form action="/path/to/your/post/method" method="POST">
data-description="First Month's Rent"
Once you've created a new access-token, you can pass
it to the Pay plugin using the data-access-token
Once your customer clicks the button, their persistent account will load
with any of their stored payment methods or settings.
Simplified Account Management With Usernames
# Create a payer account
curl "*,username,access_tokens" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd: \
-d email="" \
-d full_name="Joe Chip" \
-d user_type="payer" \
-d access_tokens[0][type]='session_access'
For a simpler way to manage accounts without needing to
store the corresponding account id, you can utilize the
unique username field to create or update an existing account,
and create a new session_access
token in one API request.
If you are using the Pay plugin with the autopay option, you can access the list of payers who enroll using the plugin via the API, and with that list create a task or trigger to automatically initiate any payments due automatically.
Example button
<!-- Then when you render the plugin, pass the access token. Note: the access_token only works once -->
Get Current Enrollments
curl "" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd:
First, pull a list of all enrollments using the API through
the /autopay_enrollments
endpoint. This
will return a list of all payers who enrolled in automatic
Create Payment Objects
Second, create a list of payments due to those who've enrolled. You can only use the
that is defined in each enrollment; otherwise the
payment will be rejected.
Process Automatic Payments
curl "" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd: \
-d "[0][type]=charge" \
-d "[0][amount]=1000" \
-d "[0][description]=March Rent" \
-d "[0][payment_method_id]=$payment_method_id" \
-d "[0][deposit_account_id]=$deposit_account_id"
Last, initiate the payments using the /transactions
by posting the payment objects created in the last step. The resulting object
list will contain a list of completed or declined payments in the same order
as the original payment object list created in the last step.
Javascript Callbacks
<script> '.mybutton', 'loaded', function() {
console.log('event captured')
<script> '.mybutton', 'autopay_changed', function( evt ) {
if ( evt.autopay )
console.log('autopay enabled')
console.log('autopay disabled')
If you want to watch for a response from the plugin to see if a certain event was triggered, then there are serveral available callbacks: processing, paid, declined, canceled, autopay_changed, closed, loaded, and error
The loaded
callback is triggered every time the user opens the Pay plugin popup.
The processing
callback is triggered every time the user starts the payment process. This callback
is followed by any of paid
, canceled
, or declined
The paid
callback is triggered after a payment has been successfully processed.
If this is automatically triggering a form request, no close event will follow.
Event Data | Description |
transaction_id |
The transaction id of the completed payment |
payments_attempted |
The number of payment attempts made |
The declined
callback is triggered every time an initiated payment is declined.
To make a test declined
request on the test server, you can use the card number 5555-5555-5555-4444.
Event Data | Description |
declined_message |
The declined reason message |
The canceled
callback is triggered if the payment confirmation is canceled by the user.
Autopay Changed
The autopay_changed
callback is triggered if the autopay enrollment state is changed by the user.
Event Data | Description |
autopay |
The enrollment details. If null , the user has unenrolled |
The closed
callback is triggered if the user closes the Pay plugin window
for any reason, or a successful payment has been made. Note, if this is automatically triggering a form request, no close event will follow a successful payment.
Event Data | Description |
transaction_id |
Only present after a successful payment. The transaction id of the completed payment |
payments_attempted |
The number of payment attempts made |
The error
callback is triggered if an unexpected issue occurs within the plugin.
Event Data | Description |
error_code |
The error code |
Locking the plugin
<script> '.mybutton', 'autopay_changed', function( evt ) {
$.post('/autopay_flag', { enabled: !!evt.autopay }, function() {
If you're making an asynchronous request triggered by a javascript callback, it's recommended to lock the plugin while processing. This will ensure there are no interruptible actions taken by the user.
Custom Fields
Custom fields can be passed to the Pay plugin and will be added to any transaction object for reference.
Plugin Configuration
Script Tag Attributes
Parameter | Description |
data-key required |
Your public API key. |
data-amount optional with invoice id |
The amount of the payment. |
data-amount-editable |
Boolean to control modification of amount via input field. |
data-amount-min |
Minimum payment amount accepted for transaction. Default: 0.01 |
data-amount-max |
Maximum payment amount accepted for transaction. Default: 500000.00 |
data-description required |
The description of the payment. |
data-deposit-account-id |
Specify the recipient's deposit account id of the payment. Not required for accounts with only one deposit account. |
data-access-token |
Load an existing payer's account settings. See the persistent accounts section for more information. |
data-invoice-id |
If utilizing the invoice api, pass the desired invoice id. |
data-order-number |
Provide an order number to use as a reference for the transaction. |
data-recurring-invoice-id |
If utilizing the recurring invoice API and autopay, pass the desired recurring invoice id. |
data-cards |
Use true or false to specify whether card payments are allowed. Default is true. |
data-ach |
Use true or false to specify whether ACH payments are allowed. Default is true. |
data-email |
The payer's email address, if available. |
data-full-name |
The payer's full name, if available. |
data-autopay |
Use true or false to specify whether autopay is allowed. Default is false. |
data-custom-fields |
Transaction custom fields JSON object. *Example: data-custom-fields='{"example":"data"}' |
data-btn-class |
Custom CSS class for the pay button. |
data-btn-text |
Custom text for the pay button. |
data-embed |
If true, embeds the plugin directly on the page. |
Javascript Interface Attributes
Parameter | Description |
key required |
Your public API key. |
amount optional with invoice id |
The amount of the payment. |
amount_editable |
Boolean to control modification of amount via input field. |
amount_min |
Minimum payment amount accepted for transaction. Default: 0.01 |
amount_max |
Maximum payment amount accepted for transaction. Default: 500000.00 |
description required |
The description of the payment. |
deposit_account_id |
Specify the recipient's deposit account id of the payment. Not required for accounts with only one deposit account. |
access_token |
Load an existing payer's account settings. See the persistent accounts section for more information. |
invoice_id |
If utilizing the invoice api, pass the desired invoice id. |
recurring_invoice_id |
If utilizing the recurring invoice API and autopay, pass the desired recurring invoice id. |
cards |
Use true or false to specify whether card payments are allowed. Default is true. |
ach |
Use true or false to specify whether ACH payments are allowed. Default is true. |
email |
The payer's email address, if available. |
full_name |
The payer's full name, if available. |
autopay |
Use true or false to specify whether autopay is allowed. Default is false. |
custom_fields |
Transaction custom fields JSON object. *Example: {"example":"data"} |
embed |
If true, embeds the plugin directly on the page. |
embed_container |
The html container on the page where the plugin will be embedded. |
bind_to_form |
Specify a form element to auto-submit with the transaction id once a payment is complete. |
Deposit Plugin
If you have a platform and are creating an end-to-end integration of PlacePay, you'll need to use the Deposit plugin to capture the deposit details for a new recipient's deposit account.
The Deposit plugin will embed a button onto your page that will allow access to a secure popup modal where an account holder can enter their desired direct deposit details.
key: "public_key_AWcpDnNBB7oLfNqfQ6g66262",
access_token: "${access_token}",
on: {
deposit_changed: function (data) {
// handle callback
Below is an example of the Deposit plugin. You can click the button to see an example of the modal.
You can also launch the plugin from javascript instead of using the
embedded html button by calling
, as seen in the example.
Create an Account
# Create a recipient account
curl "" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd: \
-d company="Example Landlord LLC" \
-d phone="111-222-3333" \
-d address[street_address]="123 Example St" \
-d address[unit_number]="#4" \
-d address[city_state_zip]="New York, NY 10004"
First you need to create a deposit account.
Load the Deposit Button
# Create an access token
curl "" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd: \
-d type=session_access
The Deposit plugin requires a
new session_access
token each time you load the
The token must be created with the account id of the recipient. You'll need to create a new access-token every time a new Deposit button is loaded.
Javascript Callbacks
Place.deposit.on( '.mybutton', 'loaded', function() {
console.log('event captured')
If you want to watch for a response from the plugin, to see whether a certain event was triggered, there are several available callbacks: deposit_changed, closed, loaded
Processing Activation
# Get the processing activation status
deposit_account_id = 'hzus4iw9ujkR9TPcpYEs'
curl "$deposit_account_id" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd: |
python -mjson.tool | grep processing_activation_status
A new deposit_method will generally become active for payment processing within 24 business hours but in some cases it can take longer or require additional information.
You can track the progress of the activation of a new deposit_method
using the processing_activation_status
field, which will relay the current status.
Details on the different statuses are below:
Status | Description |
pending |
The new deposit method is pending activation. No delays or issues have been identified currently and the account should be active within 24 business hours. |
in_review |
The deposit method has been escalated to require a further review. This can take 2-5 business days. |
action_needed |
Further information is required by the account holder before activation. |
active |
The deposit method is active for payment processing. |
inactive |
The deposit method has been deactivated and is no longer able to accept payments. |
Parameter | Description |
data-key required |
Your public API key |
data-deposit-account-id |
Specify the deposit account id. Not required for accounts with only one deposit account. |
data-access-token |
Token for session access to an account. See the access-token section for more information. |
data-btn-class |
Custom CSS class for the deposit button. |
data-btn-text |
Custom text for the deposit button. |
Payments & Transactions
The transactions object is the generic object for all types of transactions that occur within the system.
Transaction Types and States
Transaction Type | Description |
charge |
A customer's payment. |
deposit |
A settlement of processed charges sent to a recipient's deposit account. |
refund |
A return of either a full or partial amount from a charge. |
reversal |
A reversal of either a full or partial amount from a deposit account for any refunds or chargebacks. |
chargeback |
A return of funds to the customer from a disputed card payment. |
chargeback_reversal |
The return of funds to the recipient from a successfully won chargeback dispute. |
Transaction Status | Description |
authorized |
A transaction that has authorized but won't be captured until set to complete. |
complete |
A transaction that has processed successfully. |
canceled |
A submitted transaction that was voided before the funds were captured. |
declined |
A transaction that was not able to process successfully. |
failed |
A bank account payment received a failure message from the originating bank. |
Ledger Details and Deposits
All transactions have both a credit_ledger
and a debit_ledger
. These
ledgers outline how an individual transaction is associated with other transactions
in the system.
Deposit batching
Automatic batching for deposits and reversals happens daily at 5:30pm Eastern Time.
Charges will be batched based on the configured settlement timeframe for
their associated deposit account. If a charge is associated with an invoice,
the full
or partial
settlement configuration of that invoice will also be
taken into account.
Charge details for a deposit
curl "" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd: \
-d "fields=*,credit_ledger" \
-d "type=deposit" \
-d "account_id=$deposit_account_id"
To return the list of charges included in a deposit batch,
in the return fields specify the credit_ledger
embedded object field. You can expand the underlying source
transaction to return the full transaction details embedded within
each ledger object.
Deposit and refund details for a charge
curl "" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd: \
-d "fields=*,debit_ledger"
To return the list of all associated deposits, refunds, etc. for any given charge,
in the return fields specify the debit_ledger
embedded object field.
Example transaction with ledger details
This is an example of a transaction with both debit_ledger
and credit_ledger
details. Notice there's an initial deposit made to the recipient, which is
later refunded to the payer. Since the initial payment has been deposited,
there is a reversal record in the credit_ledger
"id": "HWIjDMdcZHl2Dj1i6lNXW4r5",
"object": "transaction",
"account_id": "r3jyJXI3bpLs9m9YZV6OiFib",
"amount": 177.4,
"deposit_account_id": "129BOlWKt2Ta52bU99hKZkH3C",
"description": "string",
"failed_timestamp": null,
"fee": 1.95,
"initiated_timestamp": "2018-05-10 12:32:18",
"payment_method_id": "10f10tnMIIzFZkj7RDQvcCmVg",
"status": "complete",
"status_details": "string",
"type": "charge",
"debit_ledger": [{
"id": "115pm5D1vH0vjo2ftu5msX0Ns",
"object": "transaction_ledger",
"account_id": "1QsHK85NtiZZ0hDSTeZhzEAp6",
"amount": 177.4,
"destination_id": "1ct0dNO6EsKwzWCblbLoCSwrr",
"source_id": "HWIjDMdcZHl2Dj1i6lNXW4r5",
"status": "complete",
"timestamp": "2018-05-10 12:32:18",
"total_amount": 2101.36,
"type": "deposit"
"id": "115pm5D1vH0vjo2ftu5msX0Ns",
"object": "transaction_ledger",
"account_id": "1QsHK85NtiZZ0hDSTeZhzEAp6",
"amount": 177.4,
"destination_id": "1ct0dNO6EsKwzWCblbLoCSwrr",
"source_id": "HWIjDMdcZHl2Dj1i6lNXW4r5",
"status": "complete",
"timestamp": "2018-05-11 12:32:18",
"total_amount": 177.4,
"type": "refund"
"credit_ledger": [{
"id": "115pm5D1vH0vjo2ftu5msX0Ns",
"object": "transaction_ledger",
"account_id": "1QsHK85NtiZZ0hDSTeZhzEAp6",
"amount": 177.4,
"destination_id": "HWIjDMdcZHl2Dj1i6lNXW4r5",
"source_id": "1xfI91OI3EVPP57iKi5Iwobg0",
"status": "complete",
"timestamp": "2018-05-11 12:32:18",
"total_amount": 300.3,
"type": "reversal"
Include the corresponding transaction details
curl "" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd: \
-d "fields[self]=*,credit_ledger" \
-d "fields[credit_ledger][self]=*,source" \
-d "type=deposit" \
-d "account_id=$deposit_account_id"
You can expand the corresponding destination
or source
transaction to return the full transaction details embedded within
each ledger object in a single request.
Voids and Refunds
curl "" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd: \
-X PUT \
-d "status=canceled"
To void or cancel a recent transaction, you can simply update the status to canceled
In the event a transaction is no longer voidable, a refund can be attempted.
curl "" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd: \
-d "type=refund" \
-d "amount=1000" \
-d "credit_ledger[0][source_id]=14qmPCuDo9lY1TI82kpLM6cKo"
To initiate a refund, you need the original transaction id. The amount can be less than or equal to the net amount of the original transaction, less any refunds already processed.
Bank Account Transaction Failures
# Example of using the `greater-than` operator
curl ">2017-11-01" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd:
Unlike cards, bank account payments (ACH payments) can fail days after a user initiates the payment. If a failure is reported by the originating bank, you can pull information through the API using the example.
You can also subscribe to the ach_failure
to be instantly notified when a bank account failure is received.
curl ">2018-05-01&fields=*,credit_ledger" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd:
You can track any disputed charges that resulted in a chargeback
by querying the api by type chargeback
. If the chargeback is later
reversed in the recipients favor, a chargeback_reversal
will be linked to the original charge's credit_ledger
You can also subscribe to the chargeback
and chargeback_reversal
to be instantly notified when an adjustment is received.
Transaction Fees
curl "*,payer_conv_fee" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd:
Transaction fees can be paid by the payer, covered by the recipient,
or split at any desired allocation. The fee settings are configured
for the deposit account or invoice that the transaction is associated with.
Fees can be adjustable based on debit
, credit
, and bank account
The fee field in the transaction object represents the resulting
cost to the recipient of the funds. To retrieve the fee charged to
the payer, you can specify the addition of the payer_conv_fee
in the API request.
Test card transactions
To test card transactions with the test API keys, you can use any valid card number format. Any expiration, address, and CVV code will be accepted for test transactions.
Example valid card numbers:
4111 1111 1111 1111
4444 3333 2222 1111
5100 2900 2900 2909
Special card number to test declines:
5555 5555 5555 4444
Test bank account transactions
To test bank account transactions with the test API keys, the account number can be any numeric string. The routing number, however, must be any valid routing number.
Transaction Events
curl "" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd: \
-d "callback_url=" \
-d "event=ach_failure"
Event Example
"event": "ach_failure",
"callback_url": "",
"transaction_id": "1CBtYAuEpM1sBAF21Qb8QAKqk"
There are multiple events that can trigger a custom callback url
using the events
endpoint for immediate notification
to your app or platform.
Event | Description |
automatic_payment |
The automatic_payment event is triggered when a payment attempt is made automatically for an invoice. Note: this event will fire regardless of whether the payment was successful or not. |
ach_failure |
The ach_failure event is triggered when an initiated ACH payment receives a failure response from the issuing bank. |
refund |
The refund event is triggered every time any payment is refunded, regardless of whether it's through the API or the dashboard. |
void |
The void event is triggered every time any payment is voided, regardless of whether it's through the API or the dashboard. |
chargeback |
The chargeback event is triggered when an initiated card payment receives a chargeback response from the issuing bank. |
chargeback_reversal |
The chargeback_reversal event is triggered when a chargeback of a card payment has been overturned in recipient's favor. |
# Create a recurring invoice
curl "" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd: \
-d start_date="2017-01-01" \
-d end_date="2017-12-31" \
-d recurring_frequency="recipient" \
-d invoice_template[type]="rent" \
-d invoice_template[deposit_account_id]="rent" \
-d invoice_template[items][0][type]="AcOnw5PigJ4Ww43FoBx54oChPOKAkztmTQA" \
-d invoice_template[items][0][amount]=1000 \
-d invoice_template[items][1][type]="ammenity" \
-d invoice_template[items][1][amount]=50 \
-d invoice_template[items][1][date_incurred]="2017-02-15" \
-d invoice_template[payers][0][account_id]=$account_id
Recurring Invoices
The recurring invoice API is an easy way to setup and manage recurring billing instructions. Invoices can be set to auto-generate, based on monthly or weekly schedules, and can handle multiple recurring invoice items with varying start dates, as well as multiple payers.
You can utilize the Pay plugin's autopay capabilities,
along with the recurring invoice api, to take advantage of our fully
automated autopay system by passing the data-recurring-invoice-id
plugin parameter.
# Create a one-time invoice
curl "" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd: \
-d type="rent" \
-d due_date="2018-01-01" \
-d deposit_account_id="rent" \
-d items[0][type]="AcOnw5PigJ4Ww43FoBx54oChPOKAkztmTQA" \
-d items[0][amount]=1000 \
-d items[1][type]="ammenity" \
-d items[1][amount]=50 \
-d items[1][date_incurred]="2017-02-15" \
-d payers[0][account_id]=$account_id
One-time Invoices
One-time invoices can be created for nonrecurring bills. Note, one-time invoice items can be added to invoices generated automatically by a recurring invoice
# Create a one-time invoice
curl "" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd: \
-d type="rent" \
-d due_date="2018-01-01" \
-d deposit_account_id="rent" \
-d items[0][type]="AcOnw5PigJ4Ww43FoBx54oChPOKAkztmTQA" \
-d items[0][amount]=1000 \
-d items[0][allocations][0][account_id]=$account1_id \
-d items[0][allocations][0][amount]=600 \
-d items[0][allocations][1][account_id]=$account2_id \
-d items[0][allocations][1][amount]=400 \
-d payers[0][account_id]=$account1_id \
-d payers[1][account_id]=$account2_id
Multipayer Invoices
Multipayer invoices allow the payment of an invoice to be split across multiple
payer accounts. The allocation of each item can be divvied up among the payers,
and each payer allocation can be set to a locked custom
amount or an evenly
distributed auto
In a multi-payer scenario, invoices can be set to either a full
or partial
settlement configuration. In a full
configuration, payments for that invoice
won't settle until all payers have paid their portion in full, whereas in a
settlement configuration, any payment made will be settled independently
of any outstanding amount due by another payer.
# Create a prorated recurring invoice
curl "" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd: \
-d start_date="2018-01-15" \
-d end_date="2018-12-31" \
-d prorated=true \
-d recurring_frequency="recipient" \
-d invoice_template[type]="rent" \
-d invoice_template[deposit_account_id]="rent" \
-d invoice_template[items][0][type]="AcOnw5PigJ4Ww43FoBx54oChPOKAkztmTQA" \
-d invoice_template[items][0][amount]=1000 \
-d invoice_template[items][1][type]="ammenity" \
-d invoice_template[items][1][amount]=50 \
-d invoice_template[items][1][date_incurred]="2017-02-15" \
-d invoice_template[payers][0][account_id]=$account_id
Prorated Invoice Items
The invoicing API has a built in prorate tool. If you enable prorated items for a recurring invoice, each item will be prorated on the first and last invoice that applies to that charge. The number of days that a charge is prorated is based on either the start date of the recurring invoice schedule, or the date the charge was incurred, if specified.
Paying an invoice
To submit a payment attempt and associate it with an invoice,
use the transaction_allocation
object allocating an amount
to an invoice payer.
# Using curl, you can pass the API key with each request
curl -s "" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd:\
-d account_id=1Xu7W8Ch6a8gnin5M \
-d amount=100 \
-d type=charge \
-d invoice_payer_allocations[0][amount]=100 \
-d invoice_payer_allocations[0][invoice_payer_id]=1chTLrLW6CboFiSNs \
-d fields="*,invoice_payer_allocations"
Get units, leases, invoices
# Using curl, you can pass the API key with each request
curl -s "" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd:
Calling GET /units
will return a list of all units and their leases, tenants, invoices, and invoice items.
The units list returned includes all subobjects.
Update a lease
# Using curl, you can pass the API key with each request
curl -s "<unit_id>/leases" \
-u private_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd: \
-X PUT \
-d due_day=1
You can pass back the same object with any updates to the hierarchy in and PUT
Adding a lease
You can pass back the same object with any new objects to the hierarchy with a PUT
This will create any new objects found in the hierarchy.
Delete lease
You can pass back the same object with any objects removed from hierarchy with a PUT
This will delete any missing objects from the resulting hierarchy.
Object reference
This endpoint retrieves all accounts.
Embedded Resources{id}/access_tokens{id}/deposit_accounts{id}/custom_fields
Object example
"id": "1WwnZk3OnInAVEW9bDA2rZ8rf",
"object": "account",
"accepted_terms": false,
"company": "string",
"email": "",
"full_name": "Joe Chip",
"phone": "(123) 456-7890",
"user_type": "string"
Parameter | Description |
id id readonly |
Unique object identifier |
object string readonly |
Valid values: account |
accepted_terms bool |
Flag for if the user has accepted the user agreement |
company string |
Company name of account holder |
email email required |
Email address of account holder |
full_name string required |
Name of account holder |
phone phone |
Phone number of account holder |
user_type string readonly: update |
Either payer or recipient |
Deposit Accounts
This endpoint retrieves all deposit_accounts.
Embedded Resources{id}/deposit_method{id}/custom_fields{id}/address
Object example
"id": "fpuDkgwvSVftuG6hS7zi4q8i",
"object": "deposit_account",
"accepted_terms": true,
"address": {},
"address_id": "B5yPEqeQYq634MErw0INpWHr",
"company": "string",
"default": true,
"deposit_method": {},
"deposit_method_id": "25aa0XQAMYqezsOTV6ZNOiiKA",
"phone": "(123) 456-7890",
"required_payer_auth_level": 2,
"transaction_limit": "float",
"fee_settings": {
"bank_account": {
"distribution": 1.0,
"flat": 1.95,
"pct": 0.0
"credit": {
"distribution": 0.0,
"flat": 0.0,
"pct": 0.0299
"debit": {
"distribution": 0.0,
"flat": 0.0,
"pct": 0.0299
Parameter | Description |
id id |
Unique object identifier |
object string readonly |
Valid values: deposit_account |
accepted_terms bool |
Flag for if the signer has accepted the processing agreements |
address object required |
Single address object |
address_id id readonly |
Id for address object |
company string required |
Company name of deposit account |
default bool |
Denotes if this account is the user's specified default |
deposit_method object |
Single payment_methods object |
deposit_method_id id |
Id for payment_method object |
phone phone required |
Phone number associated with the deposit account |
required_payer_auth_level bool readonly: user_sessions |
Minimum authorisation level for payers to this deposit account. Defaults to 2 |
transaction_limit float readonly |
None |
fee_settings: |
bank_account: | |
distribution number |
Denotes the fee distribution between payee and payer |
flat number readonly |
Flat fee for processing a payment |
pct number readonly |
Percent fee for processing a payment |
credit: | |
distribution number |
Denotes the fee distribution between payee and payer |
flat number readonly |
Flat fee for processing a payment |
pct number readonly |
Percent fee for processing a payment |
debit: | |
distribution number |
Denotes the fee distribution between payee and payer |
flat number readonly |
Flat fee for processing a payment |
pct number readonly |
Percent fee for processing a payment |
Access Token
This endpoint retrieves all access_token.
To create an access token the account holder's secret key is required to be passed via HTTP Basic Auth.
Example create
curl -X POST ""
-u api_key_6fsMi3GDxXg1XXSluNx1sLEd:secret_key_JIgOLxPqSV9bROAL
Object example
"id": "24aJtyGMNkjIUJ6rhJJDZr5XM",
"object": "access_token",
"access_token": "string",
"account_id": "3cWtpxgezXzo2pRGObmx6eHA",
"expiration": "2018-01-21 16:16:23",
"type": "private_key"
Parameter | Description |
id id readonly |
Unique object identifier |
object string readonly |
Valid values: access_token |
access_token string readonly |
Access token to be used for api access |
account_id id readonly |
Id for account object |
expiration datetime |
Date and time access token will expire |
type string required |
Valid values: private_key, user, session_access, public_key |
Account Permissions
This endpoint retrieves all account_permissions.
Object example
"id": "ZFiU4yT9Ux92qHBAi0EYXwaX",
"object": "account_permission",
"account_id": "1FT0UgDzNdWvGogrkNVm78iC8",
"method": "GET",
"resource": "string"
Parameter | Description |
id id readonly |
Unique object identifier |
object string readonly |
Valid values: account_permission |
account_id id readonly |
Id for account object |
method string required |
Valid values: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, * |
resource string required |
Resource path, e.g. /transactions |
This endpoint retrieves all transactions.
Embedded Resources{id}/reversals{id}/credit_ledger{id}/debit_ledger{id}/invoice_payer_allocations{id}/payment_method{id}/transfers{id}/custom_fields
Object example
"id": "1gOwTYruaRmghwAXqwtX8meUJ",
"object": "transaction",
"account_id": "h6wQ3lj1glKroDyaC9Eqci28",
"amount": 79.55,
"amount_min": 35.00,
"amount_max": 900.00,
"deposit_account_id": "F68URveHAXl1RwGnprsr8DMP",
"description": "string",
"failed_timestamp": "2018-08-22 13:38:08",
"fee": 1.95,
"initiated_timestamp": "2018-08-22 13:38:08",
"invoice_payer_allocations": [],
"payment_method": {},
"payment_method_id": "RiobId4cHhczUcJhWsuzv0v8",
"settled": false,
"status": "pending",
"status_details": "string",
"type": "charge"
Parameter | Description |
id id readonly |
Unique object identifier |
object string readonly |
Valid values: transaction |
account_id id readonly: update |
Id for account object |
amount number readonly: update |
Amount of the payment |
amount_min number |
Minimum payment amount accepted for transaction. Default: 0.01 |
amount_max number |
Maximum payment amount accepted for transaction. Default: 500000.00 |
deposit_account_id id readonly: update |
Id for deposit account object |
description string |
Description of the payment |
failed_timestamp datetime readonly |
Date the payment failed (ACH Only) |
fee number readonly: user_sessions,update |
Processing fee |
initiated_timestamp datetime readonly |
Date the payment was initiated |
invoice_payer_allocations list |
List of transaction_allocations objects |
payment_method object |
Single payment_methods object |
payment_method_id id readonly: update |
Id for payment_method object |
settled bool readonly |
Denotes if the payment has settled |
status string |
Valid values: pending, complete, declined, canceled, failed |
status_details string readonly: user_sessions |
Additional details on the status of the payment |
type string readonly: update |
Valid values: charge, deposit, reversal, refund, chargeback, chargeback_reversal |
Transaction Allocations
This endpoint retrieves all transaction_allocations.
Object example
"id": "25si9BOqSzgvD9xPHLxcPMdLO",
"object": "transaction_allocation",
"amount": 502.57,
"invoice_description": "string",
"invoice_id": "tw6iUk1nm2j8BPxiMRR5G8Ha",
"invoice_payer_id": "1xIRYJHXVLiNu4kLvzY9gqIuQ",
"status": "string",
"timestamp": "2018-08-22 13:38:08",
"transaction_id": "1QXTxVurSNdoMUuxodmUSriNv"
Parameter | Description |
id id |
Unique object identifier |
object string readonly |
Valid values: transaction_allocation |
amount number required |
Amount allocated to the referenced invoice payer |
invoice_description string readonly |
Invoice description |
invoice_id id readonly |
Id for invoice object |
invoice_payer_id id required |
Id for invoice_payer object |
status string readonly |
The current status of the transaction |
timestamp datetime readonly |
The timestamp of the transaction |
transaction_id id required |
Id for transaction object |
Transaction Ledger
This endpoint retrieves all credit_ledgers.
Embedded Resources{id}/source
Object example
"id": "27FRnUePmHnVEfarGI10OE9R7",
"object": "transaction_ledger",
"account_id": "kGvJbSmy6AJBQkAGBLvrnywu",
"amount": 828.9,
"destination_id": "1q4x3VZbLeOvnrSkccy8Go8Ug",
"source_allocation_id": "SC0ZJxENtHkx55iZtxpvl26b",
"source_id": "233bgJQ6DMRAIGSUe0esPm7Fm",
"status": "complete",
"timestamp": "2018-08-22 13:38:08",
"total_amount": 209.76,
"type": "charge",
"viewpoint": "string"
Parameter | Description |
id id |
Unique object identifier |
object string readonly |
Valid values: transaction_ledger |
account_id id readonly |
Id for account object |
amount number |
Amount of ledger transfer |
destination_id id readonly |
Id for destination object |
source_allocation_id id |
Id for source_allocation object (if applicable) |
source_id id required |
Id for source object |
status string readonly |
Status of transaction |
timestamp datetime readonly |
Timestamp of transaction |
total_amount number readonly |
Total resulting transaction amount |
type string readonly |
Type of transaction |
viewpoint string readonly |
None |
Payment Methods
This endpoint retrieves all payment_methods.
Embedded Resources{id}/billing_address{id}/processor_approval
Object example
"id": "zfqPG3IR2EpX7RCmYf6rk0nR",
"object": "payment_method",
"account_id": "I31sdrQugh4TExONRAF69LYJ",
"ach_processing_approval": false,
"allowed_transaction_types": "charge",
"authorized": 486,
"billing_address": {},
"billing_address_id": "ZZqKk8Qpu1tblVG4W1jMow9z",
"birth_date": "2018-08-22",
"card_processing_approval": true,
"company": "string",
"website_url": "",
"established": "2009-04-10 00:00:00",
"building_type": "Residential",
"monthly_volume": 301,
"highest_monthly": 6500,
"company_ownership": 593.65,
"company_type": "string",
"date_created": "2018-08-22 13:38:08",
"deleted": false,
"description": "string",
"ein": "string",
"first_name": "string",
"last_name": "string",
"phone_number": "(123) 456-7890",
"processing_activation_status": "pending",
"processor_approval": {},
"processor_approval_id": "Sd3cqUqCt3AjsaLIo9F9kYui",
"ssn": "string",
"type": "card",
"bank_account": {
"account_class": "string",
"account_number": "string",
"account_type": "string",
"routing_number": "string"
"card": {
"card_brand": "string",
"card_code": "string",
"card_number": "string",
"card_type": "credit",
"expiration_date": "2018-08-22"
Parameter | Description |
id id readonly |
Unique object identifier |
object string readonly |
Valid values: payment_method |
account_id id required |
Id for account object |
ach_processing_approval bool readonly: user_sessions |
Denotes if ach payments has been approved. For disbursable payments methods only |
allowed_transaction_types string readonly: update |
Valid values: charge, charge,disburse |
authorized int readonly: user_sessions |
Denotes the authorization level of this payment method |
billing_address object |
Single address object |
billing_address_id id readonly |
Id for address object |
birth_date date |
Birth date of the account holder |
card_processing_approval bool readonly: user_sessions |
Denotes if card payments has been approved. For disbursable payments methods only |
company string required |
The legal entity name associated with the account |
company_ownership number required |
The ownership percentage of the legal entity |
company_type string required |
The legal entity type, i.e., LLC |
date_created datetime readonly |
The timestamp the payment method was added to the system |
deleted bool readonly: create |
Identifies if the payment method has been deleted or deactivated. |
description string readonly |
A human-readable description of the payment method, i.e., Visa x-4242 |
ein string required |
The legal entity tax id. For disbursable payments methods only |
first_name string required |
The first name of the account holder |
last_name string required |
The last name of the account holder |
phone_number phone required |
The phone number of the account holder |
processing_activation_status string readonly |
Valid values: pending, in_review, active, inactive, action_needed |
processor_approval object |
Single processing_account object |
processor_approval_id id readonly |
Id of underlying processing object |
ssn string required |
The principal's social security number. For disbursable payments methods only |
type string required |
Valid values: card, bank_account |
bank_account: | |
account_class string readonly: update |
None |
account_number string readonly: restricted_update |
None |
account_type string readonly: restricted_update |
None |
routing_number string readonly: restricted_update |
None |
card: | |
card_brand string readonly |
None |
card_code string |
None |
card_number string readonly: update |
None |
card_type string readonly: user_sessions |
Valid values: credit, debit |
expiration_date date required |
None |
Autopay Enrollments
This endpoint retrieves all autopay_enrollments.
Object example
"id": "gQ0HHiJrZ1ZanNcGfIvAaw2r",
"object": "autopay_enrollment",
"account_id": "MfHb7CbANIWs3oDYLfyT4NC1",
"deposit_account_id": "E98VpXS83zzXKA8Hx7ijbzPc",
"enrolled_timestamp": "2018-08-22 13:38:08",
"last_payment_status": "string",
"last_payment_timestamp": "2018-08-22 13:38:08",
"lower_limit": 233.37,
"payment_method_id": "10TYcywq1HI04qNx09Cd8fgyg",
"recurring_invoice_id": "22GY0oo4aHY8CpVo8kBjIzvmt",
"upper_limit": 845.6
Parameter | Description |
id id readonly |
Unique object identifier |
object string readonly |
Valid values: autopay_enrollment |
account_id id readonly |
Id for account object |
deposit_account_id id |
Id for deposit_account object |
enrolled_timestamp datetime readonly |
Timestamp user enrolled in autopay |
last_payment_status string readonly |
Status of the last payment attempt for the account |
last_payment_timestamp datetime readonly |
Timestamp of the last payment attempt for the account |
lower_limit currency |
Lower limit of how much the user has allowed to auto-process |
payment_method_id id required |
Id for payment_method object |
recurring_invoice_id id readonly: update |
Id for recurring_invoice object |
upper_limit currency required |
Upper limit of how much the user has allowed to auto-process |
This endpoint retrieves all events.
Object example
"id": "1pOw6dUon3NZ8WmgQ9KGWpGkd",
"object": "event",
"callback_url": "",
"event": "ach_failure"
Parameter | Description |
id id readonly |
Unique object identifier |
object string readonly |
Valid values: event |
callback_url string required |
Url to trigger |
event string required |
Name of event |
Recurring Invoices
This endpoint retrieves all recurring_invoices.
Embedded Resources{id}/invoices{id}/invoice_template
Object example
"id": "vIxM2IRzBwScnoS1DR2azJsW",
"object": "recurring_invoice",
"autogenerate_buffer": 87,
"autogenerate_invoices": true,
"cycle_offset": 1,
"deposit_account_id": "VKVYqLtAgaSa5KLIUzmc82rz",
"end_date": "2018-08-22",
"invoice_template": {},
"invoice_template_id": "1yAULJ2cPp2weN6k5nkwfnPgq",
"invoices": [],
"prorated": true,
"recurring_frequency": "monthly",
"start_date": "2018-08-22"
Parameter | Description |
id id readonly |
Unique object identifier |
object string readonly |
Valid values: recurring_invoice |
autogenerate_buffer int |
None |
autogenerate_invoices bool |
Denotes whether new invoices will be automatically generated |
cycle_offset int |
Day of the month rent is due |
deposit_account_id id |
None |
end_date date |
End date of the recurring service period |
invoice_template object required |
Single invoice object |
invoice_template_id id readonly |
None |
invoices list |
List of invoice objects |
prorated bool |
If enabled, initial and final charges will be prorated |
recurring_frequency string |
Valid values: monthly, weekly |
start_date date |
Start date of the recurring service period |
This endpoint retrieves all invoices.
Embedded Resources{id}/items{id}/payers{id}/custom_fields{id}/payment_records
Object example
"id": "brLufAn5APd2791lj1nRPoej",
"object": "invoice",
"accepted_payment_state": "full",
"amount": 1000,
"amount_paid": 1000,
"amount_unallocated": 200,
"completed_date": "2015-09-01",
"deposit_account_id": 123,
"description": "September Rent",
"due_date": "2015-09-01",
"items": [],
"last_payment_date": "2018-08-22 13:38:08",
"paid": true,
"payers": [],
"payment_records": [],
"payments_blocked": false,
"recurring_invoice_id": "AlH27xAPBqRCdzC9JWl7HQUa",
"reference_id": "Acct #ABC-123",
"required_payer_auth_level": 2,
"type": "rent",
"fee_settings": {
"bank_account": {
"distribution": 1.0,
"flat": 1.95,
"pct": 0.0
"credit": {
"distribution": 1.0,
"flat": 0.0,
"pct": 0.0299
"debit": {
"distribution": 1.0,
"flat": 0.0,
"pct": 0.0299
Parameter | Description |
id id |
Unique object identifier |
object string readonly |
Valid values: invoice |
accepted_payment_state string |
Denotes whether this invoice requires payment by all tenants. Can be 'partial' or 'full' |
amount number readonly |
Amount due on this invoice |
amount_paid number readonly |
The amount that has been paid by tenants |
amount_unallocated number readonly |
Amount on this invoice that has not been allocated to individual tenants |
completed_date datetime readonly |
Date on which this invoice was paid |
deposit_account_id id |
Id for deposit account object |
description string |
Description for this invoice |
due_date date required |
The due date for this invoice |
items list required |
List of invoice_items objects |
last_payment_date datetime readonly |
Date and time of the last payment made on this invoice |
paid bool readonly |
Denotes whether this invoice has been paid |
payers list |
List of invoice_payers objects |
payment_records list |
List of invoice_payment_records objects |
payments_blocked bool |
Denotes whether payments are allowed on this invoice |
recurring_invoice_id id |
Id for recurring invoice object |
reference_id string |
Copied from reference_id defined in lease |
required_payer_auth_level bool readonly |
Minimum authorisation level for payers on this invoice. Defaults to 2 |
type string required |
Invoice type, such as rent, fee, misc, etc. |
fee_settings: |
bank_account: | |
distribution number readonly |
Denotes the fee distribution between payee and payer |
flat number readonly |
Flat fee for processing a payment |
pct number readonly |
Percent fee for processing a payment |
credit: | |
distribution number readonly |
Denotes the fee distribution between payee and payer |
flat number readonly |
Flat fee for processing a payment |
pct number readonly |
Percent fee for processing a payment |
debit: | |
distribution number readonly |
Denotes the fee distribution between payee and payer |
flat number readonly |
Flat fee for processing a payment |
pct number readonly |
Percent fee for processing a payment |
Invoice Payers
This endpoint retrieves all invoice_payers.
Embedded Resources{id}/transaction_allocations{id}/payments
Object example
"id": "1jhcsVzB1jvv47nu4sNvojj9E",
"object": "invoice_payer",
"access": true,
"account_id": "yos62Ggb43JZsccLD8cZ0e56",
"active": true,
"amount_allocated": 1000,
"amount_paid": 1000,
"email": "",
"first_name": "Joe",
"invoice_id": "LQ8stUFNG1p5lVWX1Lpn6oH6",
"last_name": "Chip",
"last_payment_date": "2015-08-28",
"paid": true,
"payments_transfer_date": "2015-09-04",
"payments_transfered": true,
"transaction_allocations": []
Parameter | Description |
id id |
Unique object identifier |
object string readonly |
Valid values: invoice_payer |
access bool required |
Denotes whether this payer has been authorized access this invoice |
account_id id readonly: update |
Id for account object |
active bool readonly |
Denotes whether this payer is still active |
amount_allocated number readonly |
The amount assigned to this payer for this invoice |
amount_paid number readonly |
The amount this payer has paid for this invoice |
email email required |
Email address of account holder |
first_name string required |
First name of account holder |
invoice_id id readonly: update |
Id for invoice object |
last_name string |
Last name of account holder |
last_payment_date datetime readonly |
The last payment made by this payer for this invoice |
paid bool readonly |
Denotes whether this payer has paid |
payments_transfer_date datetime readonly |
The date on which the payments made by this payer were transferred to the payee |
payments_transfered bool readonly |
Denotes whether the payments made by this payer have been transferred to the payee |
transaction_allocations list |
List of transaction_allocations objects |
Invoice Items
This endpoint retrieves all invoice_items.
Embedded Resources{id}/custom_fields{id}/allocations
Object example
"id": "CA98I5I66SjsEQmIINjdExJe",
"object": "invoice_item",
"allocations": [],
"amount": 100,
"amount_allocated": 100,
"classifier": "charge",
"date_incurred": "2018-08-22 13:38:08",
"description": "Wolf Chow",
"invoice_id": "21MjSZMeU9LAQ488UNy7wkg1S",
"prorated": false,
"recurring": false,
"type": "Shared Expense"
Parameter | Description |
id id |
Unique object identifier |
object string readonly |
Valid values: invoice_item |
allocations list readonly |
List of invoice_item_allocation objects |
amount number required |
The amount for this invoice item |
amount_allocated number readonly |
The amount of this invoice item that has been assigned to payers |
classifier string |
Valid values: charge, payment |
date_incurred datetime |
Date the invoice item was incurred |
description string |
The description for this invoice item |
invoice_id id readonly: update |
Id for invoice object |
prorated bool readonly |
Date the invoice item was incurred |
recurring int |
Denotes whether this item recurs monthly or is a one-time item |
type string |
The type of this invoice item, ie. Rent, Late Fee, etc. |
Invoice Item Allocations
This endpoint retrieves all invoice_item_allocations.
Object example
"id": "197blt1KHVfRSxSm7q6nOadvE",
"object": "invoice_item_allocation",
"amount": 100,
"item_id": "1LqZzG0dz1ao4hOfMegAlsaB3",
"payer_id": "BQZZeTNbynKYop9spC8E8VNn",
"type": "auto"
Parameter | Description |
id id |
Unique object identifier |
object string readonly |
Valid values: invoice_item_allocation |
amount number required |
The amount of this assignment |
item_id id readonly |
Id for invoice item object |
payer_id id readonly |
Id for invoice payer object |
type string required |
The type of this assignment. Can be 'auto', 'custom', 'auto_payer', or 'auto_payee' |
This endpoint retrieves all addresses.
Object example
"id": "1o5jQjKWaEsaDElh1ArwiiNPb",
"object": "address",
"address": "123 Example St, #2F",
"city_state_zip": "New York, NY 10001",
"street_address": "123 Example St",
"street_name": "Example St",
"street_number": "123",
"unit_number": "#2F"
Parameter | Description |
id id readonly |
Unique object identifier |
object string readonly |
Valid values: address |
address string readonly |
Full address and unit number, if applicable |
city_state_zip string required |
The city city, state and zipcode |
street_address string required |
The street number and name, this excludes any unit number |
street_name string readonly |
The name of the street |
street_number string readonly |
The street number |
unit_number string |
The unit number, null if N/A |
This endpoint retrieves all units.
Embedded Resources{id}/leases{id}/address
Object example
"id": "AUtiNNdUlGOdYb5V3eQkrkWw",
"object": "unit",
"active": false,
"address": {},
"address_id": 123,
"billing_account_id": 123,
"building_id": 123,
"leases": [],
"price": 1000,
"status": "payments_allowed",
"type": "rental"
Parameter | Description |
id id |
Unique object identifier |
object string readonly |
Valid values: unit |
active bool readonly |
None |
address object readonly |
Single address object |
address_id int |
Id for address object |
billing_account_id int readonly |
Id for billing account object |
building_id int |
Id for building object |
leases list |
List of lease objects |
price number |
Default rent amount for this unit |
status string |
Verification status: payments_allowed, payments_blocked |
type string |
Valid values: rental, condo |
This endpoint retrieves all leases.
Embedded Resources{id}/invoices{id}/conditional_rules{id}/recurring_items{id}/tenants
Object example
"id": 123,
"object": "lease",
"active": false,
"amount": 1500,
"autogenerate_invoices": true,
"conditional_rules": [],
"due_day": 1,
"end_date": "2016-01-01",
"invoices": [],
"lease_document": "string",
"payments_blocked": false,
"prorated": false,
"recurring_frequency": "monthly",
"recurring_invoice_id": 123,
"recurring_invoice_template_id": 123,
"recurring_items": [],
"reference_id": "Acct #ABC-123",
"rent_amount": 1000,
"start_date": "2015-06-06",
"tenants": [],
"type": "Acct #ABC-123",
"unit_id": 123
Parameter | Description |
id id |
Unique object identifier |
object string readonly |
Valid values: lease |
active bool |
None |
amount number readonly |
Total due on this lease, including other items such as late fees |
autogenerate_invoices bool |
Denotes whether new invoices will be automatically generated |
conditional_rules list |
List of conditional_invoice_items objects |
due_day int required |
Day of the month rent is due |
end_date date |
Date this lease ends |
invoices list |
List of invoice objects |
lease_document string |
Stored lease document file. Input format: Data URI |
payments_blocked bool |
Denotes whether payments are allowed on this invoice |
prorated bool |
If enabled, initial and final charges will be prorated |
recurring_frequency string |
Valid values: monthly, weekly |
recurring_invoice_id int readonly |
Id for recurring invoice object |
recurring_invoice_template_id int readonly |
Id for recurring invoice template object |
recurring_items list |
List of invoice_items objects |
reference_id string |
User generated reference for this lease |
rent_amount number readonly |
Rent amount for this lease |
start_date date |
Date this lease begins |
tenants list required |
List of tenant objects |
type string |
User generated reference for this lease |
unit_id int required |
Id for unit object |
This endpoint retrieves all tenants.
Object example
"id": "1tj6F7aguw5dQh9KefpccGcpl",
"object": "tenant",
"account_id": 123,
"active": true,
"email": "",
"first_name": "Joe",
"last_name": "Chip",
"lease_id": 123,
"mobile_enabled": true,
"name": "string",
"phone": "string",
"recurring_payer_id": 601,
"user_id": 123
Parameter | Description |
id id |
Unique object identifier |
object string readonly |
Valid values: tenant |
account_id int readonly |
Id for account object |
active bool readonly |
None |
email email readonly: update |
Email address of account holder |
first_name string readonly: update |
First name of account holder |
last_name string readonly: update |
Last name of account holder |
lease_id int |
Id for lease object |
mobile_enabled bool readonly |
Denotes if user has push notification capabilities |
name string readonly: update |
Full name of resident |
phone string |
Phone number of resident |
recurring_payer_id int readonly |
Id for recurring invoice_payer object |
user_id int readonly |
Id for user object |